The First of its Kind Tool in the Fight Against Disinformation

On October 5th, Alethea announced the launch of Artemis, an artificial intelligence platform that uses advanced analytics to fight disinformation, misinformation, and social media manipulation at scale. Artemis delivers unrivaled intelligence on threats across the internet, going beyond traditional mainstream social media sources to include alternative platforms, blogs, and forums. These insights, shaped by our team’s industry-leading subject matter expertise, provide decision makers with a comprehensive understanding of how information is being weaponized against their organization, teams, and key assets.

Our cutting edge product enables users to rapidly identify, investigate, and proactively respond to threats targeting customer loyalty, brand and reputation, stock and shareholder value, market capitalization, and physical safety of employees. Launching this product brings to the market something that didn’t previously exist: a tool that empowers users to better understand the threats, their impact, and take action through tailored insights into the online ecosystem.


Artemis’ ‘coordination’ feature uses machine learning models to detect accounts that show evidence of acting together and highlights account clusters participating in conversations and narratives relevant to user search queries. This is especially useful when detecting foreign or state-actor information operations campaigns which often rely on networks or bot accounts to amplify their messaging.

Key Features

When it comes to combating disinformation and misinformation, there are key tactics, tools, and procedures (TTPs) that Alethea subject matter experts look for that can inform risk assessment and mitigation strategies – Artemis was built with these in mind.


Artemis enables origination detection, allowing users to understand where on the internet a narrative may have emerged and act before it turns into a crisis on Twitter or in the news cycle. Artemis makes sense of conversations using machine learning capabilities to highlight and break down distinct narratives, providing immediate situational awareness into conversations that could impact an organization’s mission and goals.


Artemis helps organizations comprehensively assess the risks narratives pose to their key assets. Using proprietary algorithms, Artemis alerts to disinformation actors, types of threats (e.g., reputational risk, threats of violence), and other key considerations for organizations. These assessments help organizations determine how to get in front of a crisis, and when to ignore an actor.


Artemis’ key features have been created to empower users to rapidly identify disinformation threats and work to mitigate a crisis before it starts. Our customers have used insights to prebunk narratives before they go viral, expose actors spreading disinformation to the press, take legal action, and enhance their security posture.

Why Artemis?

Disinformation threats target every organization, individual, and company with an online presence regardless of industry, size, or public profile. Artemis’ unique insights empower users to better understand their risk exposure, how to protect their key assets, and when to take action before threats become crises. As organizations, businesses, and individuals continue to be targeted by sophisticated threat actors and weaponized information, Alethea’s Artemis tool helps you navigate the chaos of the internet.

To learn more about Artemis and its capabilities, request a demo with our team here. To stay updated on key industry trends, learn more about life at Alethea, and follow our team’s work, subscribe to our blog here.